Remember the hit web show "Money and Violence" that aired on YouTube in 2014? The show kind of was the foundation and inspiration behind a lot of other successful web shows such as Respect Life, Double Up and more. The show aired weekly and was a crime epic series about gangsters, stick-up kids, hustlers, players and everyone in between set in a Brooklyn NY...
Congratulations to MobBeatz for winning Hot991's producer of the year award. MobBeatz is a producer, writer, and artist coming out Albany NY, originally born and raised in Turkey until he was a young teenager and then moved to Upstate NY. MobBeatz has been on the music grind and staying consistent for quit some time now...
I can remember clear as day when The Harry Potter movie hit theaters. It was already a huge success based off the Harry Potter novel. I remember that being one of my first books I read that had over 500 pages to it. Crazy to see how far and successful Harry Potter has come...
Listen you are never to old to get excited about the things you used to love as a kid, like your favorite movies, favorite TV shows, favorite food whatever. Well one thing that gets me excited is seeing all my favorite TV shows and sitcoms getting a reboot...
He still claims his innocence in his first interview from prison with Black Press USA. Over 60 women accused Cosby of sexual assault and he was sentenced to 3-10 years.
Now with social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, and Twitter, you can watch the every day life your favorite celebrities becoming closer than ever.
Instagram is one of many social apps that are in use 24/7. Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook and Instagram are all social media apps that allow you to interact with people from all over the world. Most features allow you to like , unlike, comment and repost from other people stories or timelines...
Getting to school on time for some kids is already half the battle but waking up on time and getting out the door is the real battle.
Well schools all over the Capital Region could be getting new start times according to The Times Union studies show that the benefits of a full nights rest on students health , concentration and academic performance will ensure a easier day for students...
I said this before that music is very universal and it’s something that we all have in common—in the fact we all enjoy a good tune every now and then. Most artists give us a time frame of when they will be dropping new music or a body of work, that is unless you're Beyonce or Drake then that could be anytime...
Winter is coming if we want it to or not , that's just life in upstate NY. Whether you live here or visit during the winter time, then you know it can be really cold, like freezing temperatures during the winter season. According to Current Results the lowest temperature reached in 2018 was -10 degrees, and has reached in the negative 20's before...
In case you forgot today is the last day of daylight savings , which means we in theory we will gain an extra hour of sleep. You know the saying “Spring forward , Fall back “ at 2 am on November 3rd the clocks will go back an hour.
So going to bed in the dark and waking up in the dark will be in the forecast for the next few months...
You ever had to be somewhere at a certain time and just knew you were gonna be little late? Well no rush studies have shown people running late are a lot happier and they could live a lot longer. According to studies from Harvard University the Harvard medical school says people who are running late are often operating with a sense of calm, and that’s quite possibly adding years to their lives...
Wouldn't it be great to have a dedicated day for trick or treating being that Halloween falls on a different day every year. A petition could move things in the right direction.
The rideshare company has announced that they would be giving riders free or discounted rides to job interviews during the first three weeks of employment,
The NBA legend donated $7 million dollars two years ago, to Novant Health to help build the clinic on the west side of Charlotte. The clinic has 12 exam rooms, an x-ray room as well as a physical therapy space.
So the Halloween weather forecast is reading rain and lots of it. I personally can’t remember to many rainy Halloween’s but as of today Mother Nature is planning on bringing a little rain shower for this Thursday, which means Halloween could be moved inside indefinitely...