
Community Conversations
Community Conversations
Community Conversations
I want to talk to the mayor, the governor, the mother ...... president. I want to talk to the FBI, and the CIA, and the mother.... congressman. That quote is from Nas I Am that was released in my senior year of high school, and unfortunately, 21 years later the words and lyrics of this song still remain true...
Help Others In Need
Help Others In Need
Help Others In Need
Hot 991 is helping out the Capital Region in this time of need. Everyone has been affected by the COVID-19 virus, so Hot 991 is teaming up with The Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York. We are taking proactive steps to protect and help the neighbors we serve in response to the COVID-19 crisis...
Henry Johnson Award 2020
Henry Johnson Award 2020
Henry Johnson Award 2020
This will be the 4th year that the City Of Albany is awarding someone with the Henry Johnson Award. This award is designated to someone who lives in the City Of Albany that is a leader and is contributing to the community.
Summer Jobs For Teens
Summer Jobs For Teens
Summer Jobs For Teens
This year the Albany LIGHT (Learning, Initiative and Gaining Headway Together) Program will run from Monday, July 13TH THROUGH Friday, August 14th , 2020, five days a week.
Spring Break Family Awareness Day
Spring Break Family Awareness Day
Spring Break Family Awareness Day
Its all about the Family this Friday for Spring Break Family Awareness Day. This is a family fun-filled day with food and educational ideas that are dedicated to the Family. This will also be an opportunity for less fortunate families to get free donations of hygiene products we know that these products often place a financial strain on less fortunate families...
Community Give Back Day
Community Give Back Day
Community Give Back Day
This day is dedicated to the community, giving out free haircuts to the children, as well as book bags filled with school supplies.
JuneTEAnth Celebration At Proctors
JuneTEAnth Celebration At Proctors
JuneTEAnth Celebration At Proctors
Join Velvet Rope at Proctor’s Theater for our 2nd annual JuneTEAnth production. Come out to see the works and performances of Regional Creatives all in a celebration of blackness --- black beauty, black culture, black history, black excellence.
William Rivas has come up to Hot 991 numerous times to talk about the various initiatives the #SAVEORUSTREETS movement has participated in this year. This is a live telethon and event. There will be speakers and performances from local talent.
Black Mental Health Matters Tonight [VIDEO]
Black Mental Health Matters Tonight [VIDEO]
Black Mental Health Matters Tonight [VIDEO]
Mental Health is an issue that crosses color lines and impacts the Black community big time and often goes undiagnosed and untreated. 518 BLK has created an event that brings the community together with mental health professionals to discuss black mental health.

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