Albany Summer Youth Employment Opportunity
Its that time of year to get a summer job, when it comes to getting money the early bird always gets the worm. This year the Albany LIGHT (Learning, Initiative and Gaining Headway Together) Program will run from Monday, July 13TH THROUGH Friday, August 14th , 2020, five days a week.
This program is for students attending middle or high school ages 14-18 (on or before March 28th ) who are residing in the City of Albany.
These are good-paying summer jobs starting at 11.80/hour. In order to get one of these jobs students must attend a registration session!
Even though you can attend the sessions the applications for employment will not be accepted after March 28th, 2020. After you submit your job application, job assignments will be mailed out by June 24th.
Registration days are as follows:
· 3/11/2020 Giffen Elementary School, South Pearl Street, 5-8 p.m. (Wednesday)
· 3/18/2020 Albany High School, 700 Washington Avenue, 4-7 p.m. (Wednesday)
· 3/21/2020 TOAST, 94 Delaware Avenue, 9-12p.m. (Saturday)
· 3/28/2020 Bleecker Stadium, 721 Clinton Avenue, 9-12 p.m. (Saturday)
For more information please contact the Summer Youth Employment Program office (518)-438-1082.