Community Conversations With The Mayor Of Albany
I want to talk to the mayor, the governor, the mother ...... president.
I want to talk to the FBI, and the CIA, and the mother.... congressman.
That quote is from Nas I Am that was released in my senior year of high school, and unfortunately, 21 years later the words and lyrics of this song still remain true. There is a disconnect between politicians and the people. The politicians look like they are trying to eliminate the social disconnect.
This is just a fact, that everyone in the community isn't going to come to community hall meetings or get involved in the political happenings of the city government every week. The City of Albany is offering one on one conversations with Mayor and The Police Chief via zoom every week.
The first session will take place on Monday (06/08/2020), you can actually connect with the Mayor and the Police Chief. Both of these people have the power to influence the change you want in policing in the City of Albany. The Mayor also has the power to address systematic racism within local government and beyond. They are virtually available to take questions from the community on a platform that is available for everyone to have access that has access to an internet connection.
Everyone should use this platform to hold city officials accountable for police brutality in the City and truly keeping everyone safe. There was a lot of turmoil after the protest that turned violent when a group of Albany Police officers was caught on camera allegedly assaulting a group of unarmed black men. The Mayor later dropped the criminal charges against the men. If you're interested in conversing with the Mayor and the Chief Of Police. Please send an email with your contact information to
Also, check out the community conversation that I had with activist Amy Jones and William Rivas about ending racial injustices across the Capital Region. Airing this Sunday at 7a and 7p on Hot 991.
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