LOVE & War ? Would You Remarry The Person You Divorced? HOT After Dark with Linda Love
So weeknights I like to turn up the sexy on HOT After Dark, not only by playing sexy R&B joints but by having some adult conversation! Last night's Love & War question had the Internet a buzz! Let’s see what some of you thought of the Love & War question last time on HOT After Dark.
LOVE & War ? poses a stimulating question each night on HOT After Dark. Afterall, love is not the easiest phenomenon to figure out. There are ups & downs, highs & lows, sort of like a rollercoaster. Last night's LOVE & War? I asked "Would you remarry the same person that you divorced"? People do find themselves falling in & out of love with their partners as we have seen on RHOA with NeNe & Greg Leakes & RHONJ Teresa & Reno. I do not claim to have all the answers, however, my name is Linda Love for a reason! But, I do challenge you to share your thought on love each night for LOVE & War ? by posting to Facebook, Twiiter & calling/texting in to The LOVEline @ 518 336 5991! So what did FB think? Let's find out!
Well there you have it folks! Tune into LOVE & War? tonight @ 10pm with me Linda Love on HOT After Dark!
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