#FlavaInYaEar Wendy Williams Keep Its All The Way Real
On her Tuesday, March 19 show, Wendy Williams,54 admits she been secretly living in a sober house. A sober living house is an alcohol and drug free living environment for individuals attempting to maintain drug and alcohol free. Residents are often required to participate in 12-step meetings, take drug test and show that they are taking important steps to a long last recovery, all according to addiction center.
Costing her at least 1,500 a day, and around 75k a year, reported from Hollywood Unlocked. Wendy express to her studio audience and the world she goes to several meetings each day, visit and meet with people throughout the tri-state area on their addiction and people looking for help. The talk show host been very vocal with her pass drug addiction in the past. She does go on to explain she never went to treatment she just stopped and thank God.
"Nobody know because I Look So Glamorous out here. After I finish my appointment seeing my brothers and sisters breaking bread, I am driven by my 24 hours sober back to the home that I live in here in the tri-state with a bunch of smelly boys who have became my family ... Doors are locked by 10 p.m. Lights out by 10 p.m. so I go to my room and I stare at the ceiling and I'll fall asleep to wake up and come back here to see you so that's my truth."
The New Jersey native had started a Foundation with her husband, Kevin to help those struggling with addiction. The Hunter Foundation had already place 56 people around the world since launching last week.
If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, help is available. For more information visit http://thehunter-foundation.org or call 1-888-5Hunter (548-6837).
We going to commend Wendy on her bravery and Truth and wish her a safe and healthy recovery through her journey.
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