Meek Mill documentary series "FREE MEEK" coming to Amazon Prime. Executive produced by Jay-Z, the documentary is a five episode series that tells the story of Meek incarceration in 2017, opening up the injustice in the Judicial system.

"I just thought that was real life for a black kid in America," quote from, Meek Mill.



Meek Mill, who real name is Robert Williams, been in and out of jail for the last 10 years. The Philadelphia native first got arrested in August 2008, according to 6abc. Meek was convicted of charges including simple assault possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver and possession of a loaded weapon. January 2009, Judge Genece Brinkley sentenced the rapper to 11 to 23 months behind bars and 7 years probation. Judge Brinkley wrote "The court wanted to give him an opportunity to turn his life around from selling drugs and instead focus on his musical talent" reported from, Philadelphia CBS Local, the "Championship" rapper was released from jail after serving five months, in June 2009 and paroled under house arrest. Between 2010 and 2012 Meek Mill had tested positive for marijuana use, traveling outside of Philadelphia which was restricted due to his probation but was not yet jailed, per court documents. July 2014, he went back to jail for another five months for failing to report to his probation officer and was giving an extra five years of probation. November 6th, 2017 Judge Brinkley sentenced Meek Mill to two to four years in prison for violation probation causing a uproar from fellow rappers, fans and high-profile billionaires.

Friends like Jay-Z and Michael Rubin begun the start of the "Prison Reform" movement. Which Meek Mill has became the symbol for and been dedicating his time to make changes in the Judicial system. The five part documentary series well shows evidence of court documents, and witness statements of just how unequal and unjust the American system can be. "FREE MEEK" will be premiering on Amazon Prime August 9th.

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