Hot 99.1 Honors Dynamic Duo From Castleton
We were able to track down Joanna Finkle while she was hard at work at the Crisp Cannoli. Joanna makes up 1/2 of the dynamic duo that operate the popular bakery/cafe in Castleton where she and her brother, Jason, not only feed hungry customers but give back as well.
One of their best customers, a woman by the name of Karen, emailed us to nominate the brother/sister team because as someone who frequents the Crisp Cannoli, she not only loves their food, she appreciates what they do. They recently helped arrange for New York State Automobile Dealers Association to donate AED devices to the East Greenbush and Schodack police stations.
Here's the email sent to us from Karen:
This is a dynamic duo of Castleton. They donate to the school systems when there is an event going on and let's not forget the Police departments! There is a always something sweet for them. They announced free chocolate bunnies for the kids and no purchase necessary. They were trying to find people to make masks for the dialysis people. They posted today that they will provide free lunch (hot dogs) for kids while home from school. They are so giving. Always putting everyone else ahead of them. And not to mention the food. It's out of this world! And did I mention business had been so good that they are in the process of having a brand new store built just down the road. It will be able to hold more tables and people inside. There is a new takeout window in the current store so people don't have to come in to see the food selection or have the order delivered right to the car door. it also wouldn't be the first time Jason, himself delivered orders to houses. It's usually 7 days a week that they work to provide people the best products. It's a special place and they are a special family to produce the results they do.
County Waste has partnered with us to honor those in our communities who are truly making a difference.

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