What Will You Remember President Obama For ?
Today marks the end of Barack Obama's 8 years as President Of The United States. Barack Obama has been one of the most polarized people in US history. The opinion on President Obama is either you love him or hate him.
Whether you loved him or hated him what will you remember him for ? Here are some of President Obama highlights:
- Winning the Nobel Peace Prize for basically no reason at all.
- That time he killed a fly with his bare hands during a TV interview.
- Calling Kanye a 'jackass
- His sense of humor
- His walk to the podium when he announced Bin Laden was dead.
- Saying "Yes I inhaled, that's the point".
- His speeches and charisma
- Seems to be a great father and husband.
- Listening to him speak is almost soothing.
The next 4 years will be just as memorable, I'm sure the Don will offer several moments that will make him stick out for the rest of time just as Barack Obama did. Comment below and listen to the Trending Topic tonight at 6p.