
Coumo to Announce Uber And Lyft Plan For Upstate
Coumo to Announce Uber And Lyft Plan For Upstate
Coumo to Announce Uber And Lyft Plan For Upstate
There was a big push in 2016 to allow ridesharing apps like Uber and Lyft to service areas outside of New York City. Governor Cuomo is prepared to roll out a plan to allow ride-sharing apps to operate out of the New York City boundary. Taxi companies and the ride-sharing apps have been at odds ever since the proposal was laid out last year...
Racial Bias in NY Prison
Racial Bias in NY Prison
Racial Bias in NY Prison
Racial Bias in New York prisons comes as no surprise to me. This is nothing new with having racial bias, especially in prisons in New York. We really have quite a long ways to go as far equality. Now, the NY Times didn’t beat around the bush with this piece...
Why The Tampon Tax Is Awesome
Why The Tampon Tax Is Awesome
Why The Tampon Tax Is Awesome
If you haven't heard ladies there's a new tampon tax that can have you putting more moolah in the bank.   This so great especially  if your a woman living in New York state.Thanks  to Governor Cuomo it has just become the 11th state to repeal the tax on menstrual products. ...