Albany Med Unit Becomes Hot Spot For COVID-19
A unit inside the Albany Medical Center has become a hotspot for the COVID19 virus.
Officials with the New York State Nurses Association are taking drastic measures to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus inside the hospital.
News 10 reports Officials with the NYSNA say that the oncology unit, inside the Albany Medical Center, is in the midst of a spike in COVID-19 cases. Because of the surge, the association has contacted the New York Department of Health.
Since November, there have been 54 people infected with a virus inside of the oncology unit. There were 28 staff members and 26 patients who have been infected. Several patients had to be intubated and one patient died of COVID-19 complications.
To help curtail the spread of the virus, the hospital is taking drastic measures. There will be no new patients admitted into the unit and nurses will be prohibited from floating in and out of the unit. Once the remaining patients are able to leave, the oncology unit will be closed indefinitely.
An anonymous nurse, who works in the oncology unit, made a passionate plea for help. They stressed concerns over the hospital's procedure for Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). The nurse spoke about the lack of training for personnel. They also expressed concern over the hospital's policy regarding testing employees and patients.
Having cancer means that the patient is immune-compromised. The complaint alleges that the hospital it’s not doing enough to protect both patients and employees.
Let’s hope that the Albany Medical Center can resolve the outbreak of COVID-19. Patients deserve a safe place to receive treatment and employees deserve a healthy work environment.
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