The “Naked “Tik Tok Challenge
What will people think of next? The coronavirus isolation has birthed a new challenge, “The Naked Challenge.” A idle mind will drive people to do things they usually wouldn’t do.
This latest challenge is for women to walk in the room naked while their significant other is minding their own business. The challenge is where Tik Tokers film themselves getting out of the shower while their significant other is usually playing a game with a head set.
The reactions are hilarious but to my disappointment and probably some of yours that clicked on the link, you never get to see the naked girlfriend/wife. Some of the guys in the video didn’t even pause the game which made me laugh. This is all in fun and between consenting adults, all this home confinement is going to lead to a lot of children in January.
The challenge started over the weekend so it was mainly men playing video games. During the week, it has moved over to work conference calls, which might be pushing the limit. Would you participate in “The Naked Challenge”?