Local High School Closes After Staff Test Positive For COVID-19
With back to school right around the corner, there is bad news for one high school in Colonie, New York. Shaker High School had one of its Extended School Year Program employees test positive for COVID19.
According to WYNT, Shaker High School has been closed for deep cleaning in an attempt to curtail the spread of COVID-19 since an employee who works at the school tested positive. Contact tracing has already begun says a representative of the Albany County Department of Health, but they did not say when the impacted school would be able to resume studies.
The closure of the high school means that the Food Service program, that was scheduled to take place today was canceled. Residents who usually pick up their food at Shaker High School can pick up food at though Waterviev Elementary school today from 10 AM to 2 PM, and if you are scheduled to have food delivery, you should see no interruption in that service.
D. Joseph Corr, the Superintendent of Schools, made a statement. He said, “We were informed today that an employee in the Extended School Year program has tested positive for COVID19. We are currently working closely with the Albany County Department of Health to identify the employee”s contacts at the school. The Albany County Department of Health is conducting a case investigation and will reach out to all contacts and advice on the need to quarantine and arrange to test those who were exposed.
This is just one example of the fear that parents have about sending their children back to school. Although they say that children usually have a low risk of serious illness or death due to COVID19, who really wants to put their child at risk? I surely don’t, but this is one of those hard decisions that parents everywhere have to make.
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