Keep Off The Grass: Albany Named 3rd Worst US City For Allergies
If you’re like me, you’ve been enjoying the beautiful warm weather in the Capital Region this week with tissue in hand and the occasional tear – not because of the beauty of spring turning to summer, but because of seasonal allergies. Every few minutes, my coworkers will hear a big ole honk from my office as I try to clear things out.
We know that Upstate New York isn’t the greatest for allergy sufferers. Just in the past year, Albany moved up (or down, depending on how you look at it) from 29th to 19th worst in America for spring allergies. Some may think we’re out of the weeds, as we head into the hot months, but I won’t be stopping my decongestants any time soon.

A survey and study from Lawn Love, an online company that connects people across the States with landscaping services in their area, named Albany and the Capital Region the third worst area in the country for summer grass allergies.
The ratings were determined on three major categories: Allergy Risk Rank, Allergen Severity, and Detection and Treatment Rank. Other factors considered include average grass pollen, intensity of grass allergens, access to allergists and tests, and lawn mowing frequency.
So how does our score break down? Albany, Schenectady, and Troy combined to rate second worst on allergy risk, nineteenth worst in allergen severity, and eighth worst in allergy detection and treatment. If sniffly, itchy misery loves company, then the Capital Region can take comfort in more New York cities in the top 10 - Buffalo is number five and Syracuse rates eighth worst.
If your nose is running just from reading this, you may want to head south to The Sunshine State – Florida has seven cities in the bottom ten, with Sarasota being the most allergy-friendly. If going to that length for relief seems a little drastic, Lawn Love says avoid going out in the morning when pollen counts are highest, watch out on windy days, and keep the windows closed and air conditioning on this summer.