We know pollen is awful in the Capital Region and Upstate New York, but if you’re not doing this regularly during allergy season, you risk losing big money...
If you have been suffering some major spring allergies, you are not alone. In fact, it could be where you live. A survey came out listing the top twenty-five metropolitan cities in the United States that are the worst for spring allergies. Three cities in upstate New York made the top twenty!
If you have been suffering some major spring allergies, you are not alone. In fact, it could be where you live. A survey came out listing the top twenty-five metropolitan cities in the United States that are the worst for spring allergies. Three cities in upstate New York made the top twenty!
The warm beautiful Spring weather is FINALLY upon us but with that comes.....(aaahhhh-chooooo) seasonal allergies from ragweed & hay fever. Ragweed is various types of flowering plants that spread pollen into the atmosphere & make its way up our noses while hay fever is allergic rhinitis aka a runny nose caused from the pollen. Allergies, asthma & eczema all go hand in hand due to the