Jeff Ross Roasts MLK, Cleopatra, Abe Lincoln In ‘Historical Roasts’ Netflix Special
Comedian Jeff Ross, known as the Comedy Central 'Roast Master' stops by The Breakfast Club to talk about his new historical roast show on Netflix.
- Roasting people
- Do you feel bad when you roast people too bad
- Family was in the catering business
- Did you bomb your first performance
- Does Freedom of Speech still exist
- Open Mic Night
- Opening for Chris Rock
- Can you make arena shows intimate
- How were you contacted to open for Chris
- Are you a underpaid white comic
- Are you afraid of other comics stealing your “roasting technique”
- Mo'Nique
- Quincy Jones
- Comedians commenting on other comedians
- Louis CK
- Internet comedians
- Paul Walker jokes
- Roasting Justin Bieber
Check out the full interview below: