City of Albany Announces Cash For Coats
Local officials announced a new community-based initiative, 2020 Cash for Coats Drive. For the last 12 years the organization has collected funds to purchase more than 8000 new, quality, winter coats for children in Albany who are in need.
According to Patch Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan and The City of Albany partnered with several other organizations to collect funds to purchase new winter coats and clothing items for needy Albany school children.
Mayor Sheehan worked with The United Way of the Greater Capital Region, Lodge’s Department Store, Burke Companies, and Dr. Edward Vladis, to make the initiative possible. The coat drive will continue through the month of October until November 6.
Cash for Coats had its most successful year last year, and they say that they will be providing new coats and winter accessories throughout the area.
Organizers say that they take pride in providing necessities to vulnerable members of our community. This year has been a brutal year in many aspects.
Many people are facing homelessness, so they certainly are struggling to provide appropriate clothing for their families. Having winter coats and accessories provided to the needy will certainly be greatly appreciated by those in need.
You can help out by donating to the cause by:
Going to the City of Albany’s Office of Cultural Affairs website.
Texting Coats20 to 241444.
Mailing in a check; check the website for the correct mailing address
As we prepare for winter, and the upcoming holidays, we must all remember those that are less fortunate than we are. If you can help Cash for Coats, and make sure that children in Albany have the winter coats and clothes that they need, please make your donations.
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