
Halloween Netflix and Chill
Halloween Netflix and Chill
Halloween Netflix and Chill
Halloween is here and what more to do besides running from zombies and trick-or-treating than to cuddle up on the couch and indulge in Halloween movies. Here is a list of Halloween movies to catch tonight on TV. 1) HOCUS POCUS- will forever be a classic no matter how old you get...
Suicide Squad VS Lukewarm Bath Water
Suicide Squad VS Lukewarm Bath Water
Suicide Squad VS Lukewarm Bath Water
I'm sure I can't be the only one who was excited for this movie to come out.But am I  the only one who left the theater feeling unfulfilled and a bit cheated?Even more so that  I spent the extra cash for the 3D experience. Let me say it was a great attempt at trying to be Marvel movie-like...
Movie Review
Movie Review
Movie Review
“The way I imagine it, after the fight, he’s riding home in a cab, with the roar of the people chanting ‘Rocky!’ still in his ears. And he just drops over dead. In other words, he has achieved everything possible and he dies when he’s on top. I don’t think people want to see Rocky when he’s 80.”
Getting Nostalgic
Getting Nostalgic
Getting Nostalgic
On Monday night (Sept. 21) at the Angelika Film Center in New York City, the Game gave a theater full of journalists, radio personalities and friends a behind-the-scenes look at the making of his new album through a documentary.
Script Write
Script Write
Script Write
Hip-hop journalist Denise “Dee” Barnes criticized the producers of the N.W.A biopic Straight Outta Compton of concealing the truth and not include the beating she suffered by the hands of Dr. Dre years ago in the movie. But it turns out that the violent incident was in the film’s original screenplay.

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