Can You Predict How Much Money Someone Makes Based Off Of What Type Of Music They Listen To?
One of my favorite quotes is you are what you listen to. Apparently, a new study seems to think I’m right. A new survey claims you can predict how much money someone makes by their favorite type of music, according to a new study.
People who like classical music have the highest average incomes, at $114,000-a-year what a surprise and people who like country have the lowest, at $58,000, what another surprise.
According to a new study by TD Ameritrade, you can predict how much money someone makes by their favorite type of music.
1. Classical fans make an average of $114,000-a-year.
2. Electronic, $92,000.
3. Rap and hip-hop, $69,000.
4. '80s and '90s, $67,000.
5. Hard rock, $65,000.
6. Pop, $61,000.
7. Country, $58,000.
Do you think there is any substance to this survey? I think there are always exceptions to the rule, there have also been studies done they say listening to instrumental music with no lyrics, was connected with your IQ.
I would like to see more of these studies done with certain artist as well. Do you think there is a correlation between musical preference and lifestyle patterns?
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