This Saturday I played more music than I normally do partly because I had no co-host to cut into the music time. I'm really excited about the up and coming music scene out here and what the rest of 2019 gone give.  I been stepping out to a lot of these music showcases and actually checking out some of these artists that send in music because we all know making music is only part of the big picture do you really have the whole package or nah?.

If you missed this past Saturday show catch the recap below.

Music by:

Loflash @lolash - Running

NBHD Nick @nbhdnick Ft Deo Worldwide @deoworldwide - My Bros

BiggaState @biggastate ft Switch

Clearmind @kvngclear - BOE

JP Finesse @jaypfinesse - Money To Make

Wiz Mack @Wizmackjtf -Robbery

SF Wooh @ Thereal_wooh - Wop

Kush Sunoco @kushiesunoco ft Cal Boy @147Calboy- The Real

Apollo Rai @ Apollorai - Slyme Time


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