Toys For Tots Prepares For COVID-19 Holiday Season
Many people who were financially stable and employed last holiday season are facing a very different situation this year. Families around the world are trying to figure out how they can make Christmas bright and happy for their children during this holiday season.
With the holidays quickly approaching, Toys for Tots is already planning for their upcoming toy drive. Toys for Tots has been around for many years, so most of us know how it works.
What is new for the organization is trying to collect and distribute toys during a pandemic, which creates a new dilemma for them.
Officials with Toys for Tots understand the problem and they are trying to get the message out that they have a safe plan for your donations. According to News6, they say, “People maybe a little more reluctant to come to a business or a restaurant to donate a toy, but they still want to. It’s through these safe Dunkin and Albany County drop locations on November 7th and November 14th at Albany County Ice Rink that is going to be safe. You don’t have to get out of your car.“
Donations can be made on November 7 and November 14 between the hours of 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. at the Albany County Hockey Facility. Make sure that your donation is a new, unwrapped toy. Everyone who makes a donation will receive a 10 pack of holiday munchkins and a Dunkin gift card.
It’s through innovative plans like this that we will all get through this pandemic. There is still no word on how the toys will be distributed to the children, but I’m sure that they will let us know soon.
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