Thruway Goes Paperless in 2021
By the end of 2020, we all can say goodbye you paper at thruway tolls. In January, 2021, thruway tolls would be changing for the first time since 2010 to paperless, via Timesunion. A $355 million project budget of construction has already begun. "Paperless" means, tolls plazas with gantries, overhead sensors and cameras that can scan E-ZPass tags, Drivers without E-ZPass tags will be mailed a statement, called “Tolls by Mail.” This can be more expensive for drivers. Drivers without E-ZPass will pay 30 percent above the New York State E-ZPass rate with a $2 administrative surcharge per billing statement, reported Syracuse.com. Motorists who have an out-of-state E-ZPass, would pay 15 percent more than the NY E-ZPass rate. All drivers must purchase a E-ZPass to avoid increase rates. Through out the year of 2020, the Thruway Authority will be holding public hearings to gather feedback on the proposal. For contract information click this link.
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