
Can You Turn Left on Red in New York State?
Can You Turn Left on Red in New York State?
Can You Turn Left on Red in New York State?
Is there an unwritten rule that I am unaware of? Because every time I'm at this red light in Dutchess County, people just dash right through it as if it isn't even there!
Reservations Required to Park & Hike in Popular NY ADK Reserve
Reservations Required to Park & Hike in Popular NY ADK Reserve
Reservations Required to Park & Hike in Popular NY ADK Reserve
If you have ever traveled along Route 73 near Lake Placid or any of the other roads that access the Adirondack High Peaks, you know that there are hundreds of cars parked along the roadside. To alleviate the parking and hiking gridlock, a reservation system is in place.
Traffic Alert! Clifton Park Construction All Week in Already Congested Area!
Traffic Alert! Clifton Park Construction All Week in Already Congested Area!
Traffic Alert! Clifton Park Construction All Week in Already Congested Area!
There has been a lot of construction in the area of Exit 9 in Clifton Park for quite some time. The major rebuilding of the Sitterly overpass was the main reason. The construction of Sitterly Road was completed early but there is still more to be done. This week, construction continues.
Did You Know? A Speeding Ticket in Upstate NY Inspired Iconic Rock Song!
Did You Know? A Speeding Ticket in Upstate NY Inspired Iconic Rock Song!
Did You Know? A Speeding Ticket in Upstate NY Inspired Iconic Rock Song!
Did You Know? A rock legend recently explained how he was inspired to write one of the biggest 80's rock songs after he was caught speeding in Upstate NY while on his way from Albany Airport to Lake Placid for a show. Thinking that the speed limit back in the 1980s was 65 MPH, this lead-footed rocker gassed it up to 62 MPH, only to get pulled over.  Here's the rest of the story: The Lyrics "I
Worst Luck Ever
Worst Luck Ever
Worst Luck Ever
A man survived a car crash yesterday on I-787, he flipped his car into a tractor-trailer. He was pinned underneath of the tractor-trailer, firefighters had to cut away the flatbed, the car was stuck under.
Why Is There A Long Black Tube Across The Road?
Why Is There A Long Black Tube Across The Road?
Why Is There A Long Black Tube Across The Road?
I know this has happened to you. You are driving down the road and all of a sudden you see this black long tube all the way across it. You drive over it with no problem but then you wonder, what the heck is that black tube used for and why on this road?
Bridge Closing Information During Sandy
Bridge Closing Information During Sandy
Bridge Closing Information During Sandy
Gov Cuomo has just announced that the Tappan Zee Bridge near New York City will close at 4PM today (10/29) due to the high winds associated with Sandy. If you're wondering about any possible bridge closings in the Albany area, New York State has a twitter account setup that will display information about bridges across the state. If you don't have Twitter, you can follow along here:
Traffic Delays At The Twin Bridges
Traffic Delays At The Twin Bridges
Traffic Delays At The Twin Bridges
If you were pounding your steering wheel or cursing to yourself while stuck in Northway traffic last weekend you weren’t alone. I was stuck in the ruckus myself last weekend. Construction will continue on the northbound side for five of the next six weekends.
Albany Area Traffic Hot Spots This Week Because Of Road Work
Albany Area Traffic Hot Spots This Week Because Of Road Work
Albany Area Traffic Hot Spots This Week Because Of Road Work
Traffic may continue to be an issue in the Albany area this week with road work happening throughout the region. You might want to plan on leaving early when traveling through potential traffic spots. The good news is you’ll get to spend more time with your favorite station, HOT 99.1!!! We’re self serving, we know. Here are this week’s traffic hot spots: