Remy Ma Opens Up About the Difficulties Black Female Ex-Convicts Face
Remy Ma served six-and-a-half year sentence in prison for attempted murder, and last week, the Terror Squad rapper appeared on Huffington Post's BARS series to explain how hard the day-to-day can be after regaining your freedom.
“You try to fill out a job application. You try to [apply] for housing. You try to do anything simple as voting...you can’t do because of something that you did," said Remy. "So it’s never really like you paid your debt to society. You’re constantly paying for it over and over...The system is designed for you to fail.”
While telling her story, Remy opens up about how hard it is to exist in a world that is unsympathetic to her situation.
"People think I dwell on my incarceration, and they're like, 'Oh, get over it,' - [but] they don't understand." She continues, "Like literally, one day, I'm in my house, and the next day I am miles and miles away behind bricks and barbwires and bars and I don't get to go back home until almost seven years later."
Remy spoke to The Boombox two years ago about her then-recent release.
"It’s just so unrealistic after being there for so long," Remy said about coming home after her stint. "It felt like it was never going to happen, then when I was supposed to go home on the [July] 31 they didn’t let me go home until the next day … that whole week was the worst. But that one day that I was supposed to go to sleep knowing that I was supposed to have left that morning was horrible.
Watch Remy's full interview above.
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