Northway & Thruway Traffic Relief Could Be Coming
I am pretty sure fewer cars on the Northway and Thruway would be a welcomed change for your commute.
If lawmakers get their way, it just may happen. According to a Times Union report, Rotterdam Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara is putting into motion legislation to see if staggered start times for state workers would help with Northway and Thruway congestion. The Times Union article quotes a recent Texas A & M study that found Capital Region commuters spend about 49 hours a year in traffic. OUCH!
On the surface, my initial reaction is this sounds like a great idea. It is no fun traveling on either of the roads in question during commute times and a quicker ride would be a welcome change. I imagine though for state workers who have routines and families, such a change to their work times may not be welcome because it could be quite an adjustment.
That said, if workers end up spending less time in in their vehicles and more with whomever they are heading home to see, maybe that would ultimately be worth changing schedules for!
No word on if or when this study will be put into motion.
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