New York Has Spoken: These Are The Worst Halloween Candies
Love Halloween? The costumes, the decorating, the candy? Is there a candy that you dreaded getting in your bag when you did go trick-or-treating? Is there one that makes you secretly cringe inside when you see it?
Here (with the help of listeners and candystore.com) is the list of the Halloween candies that no one wants to see at the bottom of their trick or treat bag. Do you have a favorite that happens to be on this list? Would you like to defend it? Here is the list of the Top 10 Worst Halloween Candies that you could give out (or get) this year.
#10 Worst Halloween Candy, Tootsie Rolls
Tootsie rolls have been voted the #10 Worst Halloween Candy. Do you remember the smell of a freshly opened package of Tootsie Rolls? That smell is the best. Fresh, slightly soft Tootsie Rolls, not bad. Ones that have been around since last Halloween? Stay away from them, the workout on your jaw isn't worth it.
#9 Worst Halloween Candy, Bit-O-Honey
Bit-O-Honey, which should really have been named, bit of get ready to chew this candy for a bit. Love it? Hate it? Have you ever actually tried it?

#8 Worst Halloween Candy, Black Licorice
Black licorice, shown in this photo as jelly beans, swirls and multi-colored shapes, but it can appear in many forms when you least expect it, to include ropes, dogs, nuggets and other various shapes. Anyone else think that it numbs your tongue? No, just me?
#7 Worst Halloween Candy, Smarties
Are these candies just Pez in an easier to eat form? Or is is another version of pressed, colored drywall into a cute cellophane wrapper? Either way, it is the #7 Worst Halloween Candy.
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#6 Worst Halloween Candy, Mary Jane Chews Candy
According to the listing these are actually Peanut Butter flavored? Anyone need some expensive dental work removed? Might try chewing on a couple of these candies which were voted the #6 Worst Halloween Candy. The one bonus? Allegedly they are gluten free.
#5 Worst Halloween Candy, Wax Coke Bottle Candies
Thought that these were the coolest thing ever when you were 5? That was the last time they were cool, they are now #5 on the Worst Halloween Candy.
#4 Worst Halloween Candy. Peanut Butter Kisses
There has only ever been one person that I have met that has genuiuley enjoyed this particular type of candy, my Mom. Still don't understand how this candy sells, but the people who love it, love it and look forward to the one time of year that they can easily find it on store shelves.
#3 Worst Halloween Candy, Necco Wafers
Do you like to eat mildly flavored chalk? Then Necco Wafers might be the thing for you. If not, then you might not be surprised that they have been voted the #3 Worst Halloween Candy. Who else agrees? Want to know what the #1 Worst Halloween Candy is? Keep Reading.
#2 Worst Halloween Candy, Candy Corn
Do you like to see candy corn this time of year? Then you are in the minority. Candy Corn has been voted the #2 Worst candy for Halloween. Does this mean more for you?
#1 Worst Halloween Candy, Circus Peanuts
This has been voted the #1 Worst Halloween Candy, Circus Peanuts. Do you agree? Have you ever had any? What do they taste like? Would you be willing to swap your friends something out of your candy stash so you could have theirs?
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Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio