How to Deal With Grief This Holiday Season
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day and the holiday season is officially here. For most people, the holiday season is a happy, joyous time with family. For those who have suffered a loss, the season brings sadness and grief.
The 2020 holiday season will be different for many Americans this year. COVID-19 has forever changed the lives of over 260,000 families. As we give thanks for all of our blessings, we must take time to remember the families who are suffering a loss this year.
Holiday blues are not new in 2020, it just feels like there is sadness all around us. People are sick, people are struggling financially, and people have lost a lot this year.
There are ways to cope with holiday blues. Some experts suggest that we accept our imperfection, keep sight of what really matters, and to be kind to others.
We can also use strategies to cope with grief during the holiday season. According to News 10, Dr. Julie Morrison, Founder and Director of HPA/Live Well reminds us that grief is not always about losing a loved one, it can also be the loss of traditions or life prior to COVID-19. She gave some suggestions to help people cope with the stress and grief of the holiday season.
Trust that grief is part of the healing process:
- Ask for help
- Do something kind for another person
- Make new traditions
- Create a way to honor memories of a lost love one
- Allow feeling a wide range of emotions
- Plan ahead
- Focus on what can be controlled
- Set healthy boundaries
Whatever you do to celebrate the season, take time out to enjoy your family and friends. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day so let's give thanks.
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