March 7, Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo has declared State of Emergency due to the rapidity spread of the Coronavirus.

A total of 312 cases in the United States and 17 deaths so far. It's confirmed that there are 76 cases in New York State and it's looking to increase. Eleven cases in New York City, a large number of 57 in West Chester, four in Nassau Country, two in Rockland Country, and two right in our backyard in Saratoga Country.

The coronavirus is a Respiratory illness That can be spread from person to person. The first outbreak was discovered in Wuhun,China, reported from Some symptoms are fever, couching, shorten of breathe. Very similar to the flu, some calling it the Flu on steroids.

Ways to protect yourself:

1.Wash your hands

2.Limit close contact with people

3.Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands

4.Avoid contact with people who are sick

5.Stay home if you are sick

Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing with a tissue, then throw the tissue away

Disinfect frequently touched objects


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