Can NY State Limit the Speed of Your Vehicle? Yes! As Soon as 2024!
Starting in 2024 you may never get a speeding ticket again. If one New York State Senator has his way you literally would not be capable of exceeding the speed limit in your vehicle.
Get used to the term 'Intelligent Speed Assistance' or ISA because if Senate Bill S9528 is passed your vehicle will be controlled, to a degree, by an ISA system that will limit how fast you are driving throughout the counties of New York State.
According to ABC27, New York State Senator Brad Hoylman introduced a bill on August 12, 2022 that, if passed, would require any passenger vehicle manufactured or registered in the state of New York to be fitted with the ISA system, starting from Jan. 1, 2024. So what is an ISA system and how does it work?
The European Transport Safety Council reports that ISA uses technology that, with GPS, can recognize the speed signs where you are driving. Let's say you are going 42mph and the ISA sees a 35mph sign, your engine power will automatically be limited and you would not be able to exceed 35mph. ETSC indicates that there is an override feature however.
Is this government control or is it simply an attempt to save lives? The bill that has been introduced also includes, safety technology designed to assist with blind spot recognition and driver drowsiness detection. The Bill states that the ISA alone can reduce traffic fatalities by 20%.
Nobody would argue that saving lives isn't important and, hey, maybe you will never get a speeding ticket again.