Arbor Hill Talent Show Has Mayor Concerned Over COVID-19 Risk
A local event organizer is in direct conflict with the mayor’s office over an event that occurred over the weekend.
According to Times Union. Mayor Kathy Sheehan’s office is asking that anyone who attended a talent show/step show over the weekend gets tested for COVID-19. The mayor's office announced that a dance event was held at Arbor Hill park on Saturday and participants have subjected themselves to exposure to COVID-19.
The mayor's office says that the event was specifically prohibited by Governor Andrew Cuomo’s reopening plan. She says that it is a high-risk sport and it is not permitted.
Event coordinator, Azhe Turner of 2HOT4U, disagrees with the mayor's office. She says that the mayor's office knew in advance about the event, and even sent Albany Police officers there.
Ms. Turner says the event was simply a talent show that provided an outlet for children. She says that the event was handled in a responsible manner with social distancing and masks.
Ms. Turner expressed her disappointment in the mayor's response. She said, “Honestly I’m just strongly disappointed because it was such a positive event, we gave children something to look forward to and enjoy. We gave the 518 the opportunity to express their talent while social distancing so nobody would get infected. Now today we wake up and are being bashed for a community event that they knew was going on.” She went on to say, “the difference is this was a black party.“
The mayor’s office strongly disagrees with Ms. Turner’s assertion that the criticism was race-based. David Galin, the mayor's spokesperson, denied the allegations. He said, “To say that this is a race-based is preposterous. The mayor was very vocal in her opposition to the Reopen New York rallies that took place earlier this summer.“
The mayor's office and the community organizers may not agree, but if you were at the event and you feel that you were put in for risk, make sure you get tested to prevent COVID-19 from spreading further.