Albany Mother Starts Her Own HBCU Movement
With schools winding down and heading into fourth quarter, it can be a lot of stress on juniors and seniors. Getting ready for prom, taking SAT's, sending out college applications and receiving college acceptance could be a little overwhelming for one.
The capital region offers a lot of good colleges to attend after high school, along with some vocational schools as well to get a certificate in a specific field of work. However the lack of knowledge and information for outside schools especially historical black colleges are at a very minimum.
Tiffany Robinson of Albany has decided to start a movement for HBCU's which began with her daughter and her classmates.She will take students who are interested in going away to college and tour them on some of the best historical black colleges around the country. Her tour will kick off this Monday heading towards Morgan State and conclude at Spelman and Morehouse.
For more of the story check link below.