What Would You With $1000 ?
Get ready to win cash on Monday with the 2 Ka Day contest. Listen for the keywords starting Monday morning with The Breakfast Club. Even though I can't win the contest because I work at Hot 991. It made me think of the 5 best way I could use 1000 dollars. Most people waste money that they work for but are even more wasteful when it is money they have won.
It made me think of the 5 best way I could use 1000 dollars. Most people waste money that they work for, but are even more wreck less with money they win. I'm all about saving money and getting the most out of every dollar so here are 5 ways things I would do with $1000 dollars.
- Save It !!! $1000 is a great emergency fund for emergencies sometimes just going out and spending money for no reason isn't a good idea. Even if you do with the money from Hot 991.
- Get A Nice DSLR Camera - Memories are forever so why not make them look nice and last forever. A nice DSLR camera will help you keep memories of family friend's and events... A nice DSLR will run you about $800, so you'lll still have money to save.
- Invest It - Invest in a business idea maybe to buy supplies, a business license etc. Most things that are big start small, so don't count yourself out of the race. A grand can take you big places. If not investing in a business do stocks. There is a very easy app called Stash that lets you start off with $5.
- Travel - There are a lot of places in the State of New York that you can travel to within two to three hours in a car. Better yet your could take a flight and enjoy the four-day Adult Space Academy in Huntsville, Ala.
- Buy Tech Gear - This is probably the most wasteful thing on the list besides the travel, but tech gear can often be a good investment. Tech gear could get your creative juices flowing, go with Apple’s MacBook Air ($999) or its big brother the MacBook Pro ($1,099).