Taco Bell Reopening in Crossgates
It's been a few years but you won't have to shop with out a burrito or taco in your hand for too much longer...
You know over the last couple of years there have been a lot of fine dining establishments open in inside the Crosssgates Mall but if what you are looking for is a quick bit you can take to go (and one that resembles Mexican food) well then get ready to get excited.
According to a new Facebook page Taco Bell is making a return to Crossgates in the early fall of 2018 and they are currently hiring for all positions. So weather you just really need a crunch-wrap or Doritos loco taco while you shop or a new job this could mean good things for you.
On a side note, have you noticed that there are plenty of sit down restaurants in the Capital Region but if you are looking for something quick and fast (like with a drive thru) you options are pretty limited.
Now that I'm thinking about it McDoanld's is really our only constant. There are like a handful of Taco Bell's, BK's, Wendy's, like A Sonic and a freaking Chic-fil-A that's opening in the airport so you literally have to be leaving the Capital Region to get it... Not that fast food is the best for you but the Capital Region could use a little variety. I'm just sayen'.