Seattle Beer Company Cancels Release Of Crips And Bloods Themed Beers
Today's Donkey of The Day is Mirage Beer, a Seattle-based brewery, had previously announced on social media that they would be releasing the two new beers — called "Snitch Blood" (Bloods) and "Where You From"(Crips) in cans decorated to look like the red and blue bandanas worn by the rival gangs. The post was later deleted after reportedly receiving negative backlash, and comments appeared to be disabled for the brewery's newest post.
Screenshots of the original post reveal the Where You From beer was a New England-style IPA, and Snitch Blood was a New England-style double IPA. The company posted a brief apology on their Instagram page, which reads, “Full agree those labels were a dumb idea. Still going to release the beers, but obviously with new names, and all proceeds going to the Southern Poverty Law Center.”
Of course the owner of Mirage Beer issued an apology:
Mirage later posted a link to a full apology to from their owner, Michael Dempster, which said, “I’m glad my error was pointed out, and that the beer community helped avert their release, but the situation also warrants a considered apology.”
“First, they were cavalierly created in poor taste, and I feel awful that I hurt or angered anyone,” the apology continues. “I also want to thank members of the beer community for forcefully saying, ‘check your privilege,’ as I clearly needed that check. Your responses give me hope for this industry, and kept me from making an even bigger mistake: actually using those stupid labels and letting them hit shelves, where they could then hurt, anger, or disenfranchise anyone who passed them.”
He continued to say that he regrets “the obvious element of appropriation” and trivializing “the impact of gang violence on marginalized communities.”
“I hope to further demonstrate my remorse in a way folks find meaningful, emphasizes the importance of inclusivity in beer, or otherwise helps prevent anyone from making similar mistakes,” Dempster continued. “Deservedly, I’ll now be an example of ‘how not to be,’ and I hope my example is used to educate others. If I can ever help in that effort, I’m available, and I’m always open to dialogue in person or by email.”
Money makes people do stupid things Mirage Beer saw dollars signs which blinded them from reality.
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