Man in Upstate NY Arrested for Illegal Plates- Can You Tell Why?
Would you have been able to recognize what was fake about the New York State license plate in the picture below?
A man in Upstate NY was arrested last week for having an illegal New York license plate on his car. It was spotted by a trained professional from the New York State Police, but only after it was explained to me was I able to determine the difference. Can you spot what makes this a fake?
According to a press release by the NYSP, shortly after noon on May 13, New York State Police at Deposit stopped Marcos J. Parker, age 21 of Binghamton, NY for speeding, but the trooper noticed something unusual about the car he was driving as well.

Here's how they spotted the fake!
According to the NYSP, when they approached the man's vehicle, the trooper noticed something different about the license plates.
The letters on the license plate were not "raised" like they’re supposed to be. An investigation revealed that Parker, and his fake plates, were driving around in a vehicle that wasn't properly registered.
According to TheCity.com, fake license plates are a major problem for law enforcement. Police have difficulty making arrests as forged license plates have been known to reduce the value of video evidence.
"Vehicles with phony plates evade detection and avoid registration fees, insurance liabilities, emission testing, traffic camera enforcement, and toll charges," according to the report.
Here's what the letters or numbers on a proper license plate should look like:
Parker was arrested and his vehicle was towed. He’s scheduled to appear in the Deposit Town Court on June 13, 2022
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