Like the famous line from the Cheer's TV theme song, "Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name."

That usually means a non-pretentious bar with modest surroundings where salt-of-the-earth locals are friendly, the beer is cold and cheap, the bartenders are a little rude but lovable, the jukebox is loaded with nothing but great tunes, and great pub grub is readily available.

These are all the elements that make up a great dive bar!

We all have that favorite down-home spot here in the Capital Region. It is the one spot you love going that feels like you are hanging out in your basement or garage to simply enjoy some great conversation over your favorite brews. And when you leave after all those beers, you still have some cash left in your wallet!

So in an effort to find more of these places for you to check out locally, we asked our listeners which Capital Region Dive Bars were their favorite to come up with the best ones in the area. We had a lot of great spots that got votes, but these were the 5 dive bars that got mentioned the most. So cheers!

The Capital Region's 5 Best Dive Bars [RANKED]

Nothing beats a great beer with great friends at your favorite dive bar. These are the spots where the atmosphere is down and dirty, and the atmosphere is an absolute blast. You know, the local spots where it is simply about 'everyone knowing your name' and some succulent suds. These are the Capital Region's 5 best dive bars as voted by our listeners!

Gallery Credit: Matty Jeff

The Capital Region's 10 Best Burgers [RANKED]

Ground beef patty, bun, toppings, and condiments. Sounds simple, right? Far from it! A perfect burger is an art form and just like a great painting, each brush stroke of ingredients is essential to the final product. The chef is the artist, and there are the best restaurants in the Capital Region for a burger masterpiece.

Gallery Credit: Matty Jeff

The Capital Regions Best Chicken Wings [RANKED]

It's fall and football season, which makes it the perfect time to reveal who serves the best chicken wings in the area, voted by GNA listeners.

Gallery Credit: Matty Jeff

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