You could be facing a fine for doing this in your car if a lawmaker in New York State has his way. New York is certainly a leader in laws that protect the environment. If passed into law, this bill would add a hefty fine to something many people do in their cars.

Photo by why kei on Unsplash
Photo by why kei on Unsplash

For heavy-duty vehicles, New York State,

Prohibits idling for more than five minutes for heavy duty vehicles of more than 8,500 lbs., with limited exceptions. The idling regulation is enforced by DEC Conservation Officers. Fines range from $500 to $18,000 in the case of a first violation.

New York City also has laws against vehicles idling. In NYC the law applies to all vehicles, not just heavy-duty vehicles,

In New York City, vehicle idling is illegal if it lasts more than 3 minutes or more than 1 minute when adjacent to a school. This includes buses and delivery trucks.

Drivers Claim Victory As NYC Becomes First US To Cap For-Hire Vehicles
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New York Lawmaker Wants To Fine Drivers For Idling Their Vehicles

A lawmaker has introduced a bill to fine drivers for idling their vehicles statewide. NY State Assembly Bill A08289, which is sponsored by Chris Eachus,

Prohibits the idling of any passenger vehicle, with certain exceptions, for more than 3 consecutive minutes; establishes the first violation is a warning and subsequent violations of such section are traffic infractions punishable by a fine of $150.

The Senate version is S01178-A. If passed into law, drivers across the state would be fined for idling their vehicles. Do you support this potential law?

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New Laws That Start In 2024 In New York State

This year was a very busy year for the New York State government. Overall 682 bills were introduced passed by the legislative and signed by Gov. Kathy Hochul this year.

Gallery Credit: Dave Fields

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Gallery Credit: Dan McGuire


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