How Late Will the Capital Region Hit Peak Foliage?
As we roll through the leaf-peeping season this year, it feels like the Capital Region colors are taking their sweet time changing.
Is it me, or does it seem like the colors have barely changed yet in spots or are at least way behind? Usually, by now the colors are well along and I am already cursing my existence as I am bagging thousands of leaves in my yard that have already fallen. I ask the question because It was October 16th last year that I took a ride up to Thacher Park to take in the foliage, and at the point, we were at peak or past peak in parts of the Capital Region. That hasn't been the case this year. In fact, we may not even be at peak colors in the Capital Region even as we roll into the weekend ahead.
The I Love New York fall foliage report is predicting "...near peak foliage this weekend..." with parts of Albany, Rensselaer, and Saratoga Counties still only seeing approximately 60 percent color change. Meanwhile, parts of the Adirondacks and Catskills will just be hitting peak this weekend.
So why is our foliage tuning so late? Blame all the rain we have had this fall. Masslive says all that rain the growing process continued and delayed the "...the necessary drying to make their colors change." Apprantelty the warmer temps we have had and all that precipitation can also affect the length of time those fall colors stay spectacular.
Bottom-line is if you feel the season is running late, it's not you, it's Mother Nature. Based on the numbers, it still looks like we may not be hitting peak foliage until sometime after the weekend ahead. Which is pretty late!