H.E.R. Talks Energy, Identity, New Music, Janet Jackson + More
The very talented H.E.R. stopped by for an interview with The Breakfast Club to talk new music and more:
How many instruments do you play?
How did you get into the music industry?
Who seen the talent in you early?
Wanted to make sure she was in control of her sound and how she would represent herself.
Can you really grow as a human at the age of 14 with a record deal?
What did you right about at the age of 14?
Never got discouraged being signed so early and not taking off so early?
Talks about waiting her turn
What does a teenager know about patience ?
Encourages people to surround yourself with people who are going to tell you who you are
What made you hide your identity for so long?
She just wanted people to focus on the music and the message now
Was the label against it?
No, they helped her make the vision come to life
She is happy her fans came organically.
Talks about the day she spoke to a Michael Jackson
Talks meeting Janet Jackson
Janet Jackson helped her get through her pregnancy?
How did you career change when your identity became more visible?
How do you deal with relationships now?
When we getting new music
Music will sound different
How do you prepare for Coachella
Do you feel pressure to constantly feed your fans music ?
How did Nipsey Hussle's death impact you?
Watch the full interview below!
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