Are You Enjoying Working From Home?
Believe it or not, the world changed in March. Most jobs are going to have some sort of mobile or work-at-home policy in the future and it looks like most workers are for it.
First off, let's start by saying if you are still employed right now you are essential to the operation of whatever business you are in. Over a month of not really making any money a lot of businesses can’t afford anything that is not necessary. With that being said, you could still be working from home even after the state opens back up for business. Some offices have over 1,000 employees and no time in the near future will be permitted for a large group gathering on a day to day to basis. In some industries, working remotely has been the policy for some time.
I found a study on PRN. Here is a couple of interesting points found out in the survey.
1. 48% think they're more productive at home.
2. 76% of people working from home right now are using video conferencing apps on a daily basis.
3. 68% said at least one other person in their household is also working from home right now.
4. 53% said they've experienced glitches during video calls, and things like their audio dropping out. Everyone is overloading WiFi.
5. 54% of new at-home workers have had to upgrade their tech in some way. Like replacing their computer, buying a printer, or upgrading their webcam. I definitely had to buy a new modem to speed up my internet to work from home.
How are you adjusting to the change of working from home on a day to day basis? Do you miss the experience of commuting to work each day to sit around and do the exact same thing you do at home? I'm usually in the studio solo so this really isn’t any different from my regular workflow. Just fewer people around. How have things changed at your job?