Apex Entertainment Is Now Open
There is a new venue that just opened up in Crossgates. Remember where the old Lucky Strike use to be? Well it’s now called Apex Entertainment.
It’s officially open so you can go back and get your bowling in, and your eat & drink on. They have a Arcade, 24 Luxury 10-pin Bowling lanes, Bumper Cars, Escape Rooms, Laser Tag, Sports Simulators and something new I’ve never heard of – Candlepin. When you head over there be sure to try their signature dish which is a huge Pretzel for about $20 with some dipping sauces.
I checked out the menu and it looks great, lots of choices and options for reasonable prices. How are the wings though?
They are open from 11am-11pm Monday-Friday, 10am-12am Saturday and 10am-9am on Sunday. Check it out and ya’ll let me know what you think.