10 Ridiculous Things People who Live in Upstate NY Love Arguing About
WE can say it, but don't you dare talk that smack if you're NOT from Upstate!
Upstate New York life is good, but ask anyone who lives here and they'll tell you it's far from perfect. While most of us share in our love for the change of seasons, certain foods, topography, and gifts that are unique to our area, there are plenty of things we don't agree on.
New Yorkers who live in Albany may see things differently than someone who lives up near Lake George, or out in Buffalo, and that's okay. But when speaking your mind, do so with caution, there are certain "triggers" that can really start some static.
You said what about Wegmans?
How many arguments have been sparked over what someone said about Wegmans, or that Stewart's is overrated, or that the Buffalo Bills suck? Heck, we can't even agree on which Cuomo brother is more cringy.
And don't even come at us with that junk of you're NOT from Upstate. From grocery stores to football, roundabouts, politics, and everything in between, these are the 10 things Upstate New Yorkers LOVE arguing about - with each other and everyone else.