It seems National Grid customers will be pleasantly surprised by their heating bills this winter.

I think it is almost a sport for most families in Upstate New York this time of year: seeing how long you can go before turning the heat on!


And not because we love a physical challenge! We would all prefer to set that thermostat to a comfortable 70 degrees! We would do it in a heartbeat, but we're just not ready to pay the financial consequences. It seems heating bills and utilities in general just keep going up every year, especially as the colder months arrive in Upstate New York. But will we buck the trend this year? National Grid is saying that is the case!

National Grid Predicts Drop In Heating Bills This Winter


I know at our house in Clifton Park, we had our highest National Grid bills ever last year to pay for natural gas to heat our home. So maybe like me, you are hoping for some nice relief this year! According to a New York Upstate (NYUP) report, that should be the case.

National Grid is predicting an 18 percent drop in natural gas heating costs this winter. For the average household, that will be a savings of almost $150 from November to March. Last year the average bill hit a ten-year high of $782, and this year it is expected to be $639 according to the NYUP story. Just 3 years ago in 2020-21, the average cost was $496! (Ah, the good old days LOL!)

Hopefully, Mother Nature cooperates this year too, and takes it easy on the colder temps - every little bit helps!

The 12 Coldest Days On Record In Albany

Albany has the potential to be brutally cold in the winter. But most of the time, it is bearable and we deal with it - just wear extra layers right? But some days, even wearing all the thermal underwear in the world just is not enough to keep you warm. These are those types of days: the most brutal of the brutal, the 12 coldest days on record in Albany history since 1874 according to

Gallery Credit: Matty Jeff

Albany's Top 10 Snowiest Winters Of All Time [RANKED]

Another Upstate New York winter is upon us. And while it is popular for forecasters to predict a cold and snowy winter ahead, how much snow would it actually take to make it an all-time winter when it comes to big a big snowfall total for the season? In the average winter, the National Weather Service (NWS_ says we get 59.2 inches of snow in Albany. We will have to crush that number this winter for the season ahead to make this NWS top 10 list of our snowiest Albany winters on record.

Gallery Credit: Matty Jeff