Those who don’t live in New York are missing out on local alcoholic beverages, and you may be wondering if you can send alcohol in the mail to out-of-staters.
There is yet another way that scammers are trying to gain your personal information. This time it's through a text message on your phone that looks as if it is coming from the United States Postal Service. This is a scam called "smishing".
The United States Postal Service is looking to fill many jobs and some are immediate positions. Throughout the month of October, the USPS is holding job fairs in various cities across the Capital Region.
There is a ton of debt that needs to be made up in the United States Post Office (USPS) and this Friday is the beginning of some rate hikes and some later delivery times. It's part of a ten-year plan to try and put a dent into the one hundred sixty billion dollar debt they are facing.