Generation NExt is back tonight with a new champ Xavier White pulled off the win against US Bay. Xavier had 1,445 votes and US Bay had 1,139 votes.
Tonight's Generation NExt contenders are two artists from Albany and they both are Generation NExt vets...
Generation Next is back. Listen to The Supreme Experience weeknights around 6:30 for the hottest independent artists in New York. This is a battle to see who has the buzz in the state. Tonight's featured artists are both from Albany and both have heaters...
Another #HOT16 Highlighting the Hottest spitting their Hot 16. This episode features US BAY. Check out his #HOT16 and add him on the following social networks.
HOT991 #HOT16 PRESENTS U.S BAY SoundCloud:U.sBay FB:U.SBAYMusic Youtube: U.S BAY