When are the fights at Crossgates mall going to end?
The last time I was there, I did see an increase of security. So it shocked me that this past weekend I hear of another brawl that took place with these out of hand juvenile delinquents...
Boosie wasn’t having it and went to his Instagram to shut down rumors that he had anything to do with a beat down of George Zimmerman at a local Walmart.
In this day in age everybody has something to say and there is no better place to make disrespectful comments under the guise of anonymity like the comment section on the news website. Some of these comments are just as stupid as the kids fighting in the mall...
This season of RHOA has been the most watched drama filled season to date! Part 1 of the Reunion did not disappoint bringin more ratchetness from the ladies of ATL! Porsha snatches Kenya up! Watch the video!
In today's age cameras are everywhere and people record anything. In this video I just saw on my FaceBook wall, from Henry Johnson Blvd. There was an all out riot and it was all caught on camera. No one bothered to step in and stop the fight and if you really look closely at the video you will see one person getting chased with a knife...
Go to enough bars, see enough sporting events or star in enough reality TV shows and this much is certain: fights will happen. When they do, you better have some street fight tips committed to memory so you can handle yourself, lest you wind up like Chris Tucker in the restaurant scene of ‘Rush Hour.’