Bridge in New York State Hit By Two Trucks 30 Minutes ApartBridge in New York State Hit By Two Trucks 30 Minutes ApartA bridge in New York state, that was already struck by a truck Saturday, was hit two more times Monday morningHopkinsHopkins
Bigfoot Crossing Sign in Fishkill?Bigfoot Crossing Sign in Fishkill?A curved road warning sign near a bridge in Fishkill seems to warn drivers to watch for Bigfoot or overly large children crossing.Jackie CorleyJackie Corley
Funny Highway Signs Banned in Many States Including New YorkFunny Highway Signs Banned in Many States Including New YorkThe federal government has officially lost its sense of humor when it comes to jokes on highway signs across the country.CJ McIntyreCJ McIntyre
Want a Crosswalk on Your Street? Here’s How to Get One in NYSWant a Crosswalk on Your Street? Here’s How to Get One in NYSFrustrated with the accidents happening in your neighborhood? Would the situation be helped with a crosswalk? Here's how to get one in NYSBrandiBrandi
Beware: Operation Hard Hat Could Cost YouBeware: Operation Hard Hat Could Cost YouBeware of 'Operation Hard Hat' or it could cost you. Mike KarolyiMike Karolyi