T.I. Thinks Tupac Could’ve Become a Politician: ‘He Thought Outside the Box’
Earlier this month, T.I. attended the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ceremony in Brooklyn, NY, where he helped induct Tupac. The Atlanta rapper honored the late rap icon, and spoke with Billboard about his influence on him growing up, as well as what he believes would have happened had he been alive today.
"It's an extreme honor. I feel like, you know, as a kid, 'Pac was my favorite rapper since the first time I heard him, and you know, that's the first person I ever, as an artist, hoped to pattern myself after," he said.
He says that you never know what Pac could've been if he wouldn't have died prematurely, at just 25.
"Anything could have happened with Pac, man," he said. "Just his diverse intellect, and the way he thought outside the box could have led him anywhere in life. He may have gotten into politics by now. Who knows?"
Even though T.I. is not involved in politics, himself, nor plans to be, the rapper did share what he thinks people can do to help out their community in light of President Trump's controversial actions in office.
"Get involved with local elections," he urged. "Find out who your local politicians are and hold them accountable to create substance within the community."
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