New York State Approves Extra Football Game For High School Season
I’m sure this will comes as great news to several high school football players this year, some high schools have been approved for an extra game this season. As I look back at my years of high school football, I know that my team and I would have been elated to have an extra game during the season.
The football season for Section III will grow one week longer this fall. The 788 schools in NYSPHSAA unanimously approved a proposal to allow programs to play 10 games. The games are exclusive of championship games. The Weekend of this Fall’s Labor Day weekend will be played as a season game as opposed to a usual pre-season scrimmage game.
With the state moving the pre-season game to a season game this allows state championships to formally be held in the Carrier Dome on Thanksgiving weekend.
Co-chairman for section IIII’s football committee, Bob Campese, says the areas larger schools, (Class AA) can all plan to fill the early spots with regular-season games as well as some (Class A). It might be possible for a few smaller schools (Class B, C, and E) to be able to add the extra game in as well.
Section III must still hold a vote, but Campese feels confident about the approval. He states that the Class A school zone area has I’ve already scheduled accordingly. The executive committee has started looking for a number of championship sites. So the season is starting to look bright for the upcoming season.
This is good news for the young men in the region. They have something to look forward to in the upcoming fall. We will have to see how the young guys are making out during the season. Good luck to all high school football players this season.
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