If you were traveling in or around the Pine Bush Preserve today you probably saw a few helicopters overhead. 

Seeing helicopters circling over your office isn't something that you see every day here in the Capital Region. I mean, unless you work at Albany International Airport or possibly a hospital. For us at the radio station this is not "normal."

As I sat in the studio playing 57 minutes of the best damn classic rock the Capital Region can hear I suddenly hear a very loud noise. I do what any normal person would do and look out the window to see a helicopter almost at eye level just hovering across from our building.

I ran outside to find that there were not one but two helicopters circling our parking lot and the building next door.

Certainly a wild thing to see. Soon after going outside to check it out they moved on and went somewhere else only to come back 20 minutes later. This time they were doing something a little different.

At first I thought maybe they were state police looking for something here in the woods where the radio station is located.

Google Maps
Google Maps

It wasn't until after a few minutes of them moving very slowly that it was clear that they were up to something else completely. I believe this was some sort of rescue training mission.

They were pulling up a person and what looked to be a stretcher. I'm of course using my personal experience of playing with GIJoe action figures while growing up to gauge what I was seeing happening.


While I can't say for certain they were conducting training exercises it seems pretty clear they were doing something. If you happen to know what was going on we would love to be brought up to speed!

The Most Impressive Military History Museum Is Less Than 3 Hours From The Capital Museum